
The CoreSat team

The CoreSat team is a small research group at DTU Space dedicated to the study of the geomagnetic field and core dynamics from satellite data.

It consisted of two postdoctoral researchers Dr. Olivier Barrois, working on hybrid quasi-geostrophic-3D forward models of core dynamics, and Dr. Magnus Hammer working on geomagnetic virtual observatories derived from multiple satellite missions and data assimilation algorithms and two PhD students Clemens Kloss, working on coestimation of core and ionospheric fields along with the characterization of rapid core field changes, and Mikkel Otzen working on probabilistic methods making us of prior information to better separate core and lithospheric fields. Prof. Chris Finlay leads the CoreSat team.

Within DTU Prof. Nils Olsen provides advice on satellite magnetic data and geomagnetic field modelling and Suzanne Maillet and Kaori Jørgesen provide administrative support to the group.

Outside DTU we collaborate with Dr. Karl Magnus Laundal (Bergen) on understanding the impact of quiet-time ionospheric currents, Dr. Simon Williams (NorthWest Univ.) on forward models of the lithosphere, Dr. Thomas Gastine (Paris) on quasi-geostrophic core convection models and Dr. Nicolas Gillet (Grenoble) on data assimilation algorithms.


Christopher Charles Finlay
DTU Space
+45 45 25 97 13